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Validates model output and model metadata files in a Pull Request.


  hub_path = ".",
  round_id_col = NULL,
  validations_cfg_path = NULL,
  skip_submit_window_check = FALSE,
  file_modification_check = c("error", "warn", "message", "none"),
  allow_submit_window_mods = TRUE,
  submit_window_ref_date_from = c("file", "file_path")



Either a character string path to a local Modeling Hub directory or an object of class <SubTreeFileSystem> created using functions s3_bucket() or gs_bucket() by providing a string S3 or GCS bucket name or path to a Modeling Hub directory stored in the cloud. For more details consult the Using cloud storage (S3, GCS) in the arrow package. The hub must be fully configured with valid admin.json and tasks.json files within the hub-config directory.


GitHub repository address in the format username/repo


Number of the pull request to validate


Character string. The name of the column containing round_ids. Only required if files contain a column that contains round_id details but has not been configured via round_id_from_variable: true and round_id: in in hub tasks.json config file.


Path to validations.yml file. If NULL defaults to hub-config/validations.yml.


Logical. Whether to skip the submission window check.


Character string. Whether to perform check and what to return when modification/deletion of a previously submitted model output file or deletion of a previously submitted model metadata file is detected in PR:

  • "error": Appends a <error/check_error> condition class object for each applicable modified/deleted file.

  • "warning": Appends a <warning/check_warning> condition class object for each applicable modified/deleted file.

  • "message": Appends a <message/check_info> condition class object for each applicable modified/deleted file.

  • "none": No modification/deletion checks performed.


Logical. Whether to allow modifications/deletions of model output files within their submission windows. Defaults to TRUE.


whether to get the reference date around which relative submission windows will be determined from the file's file_path round ID or the file contents themselves. file requires that the file can be read. Only applicable when a round is configured to determine the submission windows relative to the value in a date column in model output files. Not applicable when explicit submission window start and end dates are provided in the hub's config.


An object of class hub_validations.


Only model output and model metadata files are individually validated using validate_submission() or validate_model_metadata() respectively although as part of checks, hub config files are also validated. Any other files included in the PR are ignored but flagged in a message.

By default, modifications (which include renaming) and deletions of previously submitted model output files and deletions or renaming of previously submitted model metadata files are not allowed and return a <error/check_error> condition class object for each applicable modified/deleted file. This behaviour can be modified through arguments file_modification_check, which controls whether modification/deletion checks are performed and what is returned if modifications/deletions are detected, and allow_submit_window_mods, which controls whether modifications/deletions of model output files are allowed within their submission windows.

Note that to establish relative submission windows when performing modification/deletion checks and allow_submit_window_mods is TRUE, the reference date is taken as the round_id extracted from the file path (i.e. submit_window_ref_date_from is always set to "file_path"). This is because we cannot extract dates from columns of deleted files. If hub submission window reference dates do not match round IDs in file paths, currently allow_submit_window_mods will not work correctly and is best set to FALSE. This only relates to hubs/rounds where submission windows are determined relative to a reference date and not when explicit submission window start and end dates are provided in the config.

Checks on model output files

Details of checks performed by validate_submission()

Name Check Early return Fail output Extra info
valid_config Hub config valid TRUE check_error
submission_time Current time within file submission window FALSE check_failure
file_exists File exists at `file_path` provided TRUE check_error
file_name File name valid TRUE check_error
file_location File located in correct team directory FALSE check_failure
round_id_valid File round ID is valid hub round IDs TRUE check_error
file_format File format is accepted hub/round format TRUE check_error
metadata_exists Model metadata file exists in expected location TRUE check_error
file_read File can be read without errors TRUE check_error
valid_round_id_col Round ID var from config exists in data column names. Skipped if `round_id_from_var` is FALSE in config. FALSE check_failure
unique_round_id Round ID column contains a single unique round ID. Skipped if `round_id_from_var` is FALSE in config. TRUE check_error
match_round_id Round ID from file contents matches round ID from file name. Skipped if `round_id_from_var` is FALSE in config. TRUE check_error
colnames File column names match expected column names for round (i.e. task ID names + hub standard column names) TRUE check_error
col_types File column types match expected column types from config. Mainly applicable to parquet & arrow files. FALSE check_failure
valid_vals Columns (excluding `value` column) contain valid combinations of task ID / output type / output type ID values TRUE check_error error_tbl: table of invalid task ID/output type/output type ID value combinations
rows_unique Columns (excluding `value` column) contain unique combinations of task ID / output type / output type ID values FALSE check_failure
req_vals Columns (excluding `value` column) contain all required combinations of task ID / output type / output type ID values FALSE check_failure missing_df: table of missing task ID/output type/output type ID value combinations
value_col_valid Values in `value` column are coercible to data type configured for each output type FALSE check_failure
value_col_non_desc Values in `value` column are non-decreasing as output_type_ids increase for all unique task ID /output type value combinations. Applies to `quantile` or `cdf` output types only FALSE check_failure error_tbl: table of rows affected
value_col_sum1 Values in the `value` column of `pmf` output type data for each unique task ID combination sum to 1. FALSE check_failure error_tbl: table of rows affected

Checks on model metadata files

Details of checks performed by validate_model_metadata()

Name Check Early return Fail output Extra info optional
metadata_schema_exists A model metadata schema file exists in `hub-config` directory. TRUE check_error FALSE
metadata_file_exists A file with name provided to argument `file_path` exists at the expected location (the `model-metadata` directory). TRUE check_error FALSE
metadata_file_ext The metadata file has correct extension (yaml or yml). TRUE check_error FALSE
metadata_file_location The metadata file has been saved to correct location. TRUE check_failure FALSE
metadata_matches_schema The contents of the metadata file match the hub's model metadata schema TRUE check_error FALSE
metadata_file_name The metadata filename matches the model ID specified in the contents of the file. TRUE check_error FALSE
NA The number of metadata files submitted by a single team does not exceed the maximum number allowed. FALSE check_failure TRUE


if (FALSE) {
  hub_path = ".",
  gh_repo = "Infectious-Disease-Modeling-Hubs/ci-testhub-simple",
  pr_number = 3